About GutCheck® Indicators
Our patented GutCheck® Indicators allow instant confirmation of a vital or gut shot. Should the arrow pass through the acid-containing digestive tract of the animal, the indicator will immediately change color. This will allow the hunter to determine how the hit animal should be pursued.
GutCheck Arrow Wrap Indicators allow instant confirmation of a vital or gut shot. Blood will not react with the indicator formula on the wrap and, thereby, visually indicates a "clean" (vital) hit was made. Should the arrow pass through the acid-containing digestive tract of the animal, the indicator will immediately change color. This will allow the hunter to determine how the wounded animal should be pursued.

I arrowed a super mature mega buck I called "Son of Sam" just after sunrise on November 3, 2019. Shot him over a decoy of all things! The shot placement looked great through my peep and I took a measured 21 yard shot. The arrow completely passed through but I didn't like the buck's response to the shot. Walked off slow and draggy. I re-watched my footage and realized the buck was more quartering toward than I figured. One lung, liver no doubt. I used a Gutcheck® wipe on the bloodcoated shaft and presto...positive for GI content (stomach acid).
Because of the indicator wipe result, I completely left the area, called a hound tracker friend of mine and gave him 13 hours. We found him expired in his second bed about 200 yards away from arrow strike. As a veterinarian, I thoroughly trust the science in and the results of these indicators and plan on using them for years to come. Can't say enough good things about how your product performed. Attached is a snap of the buck known to us as "Son of Sam".